Chapter Seven: The Laws of Probability Don't Matter—Until It Happens to You
Chapter Seven: The Laws of Probability Don't Matter—Until It Happens to You When I found the lump in my breast—March 11, 1996, I had just celebrated my fifty-second birthday. It was a personal earthquake for many reasons but primarily because I have always been concerned about my health and thought by taking such good care of my physical body, nothing of consequence would go wrong. I eat nutritiously—very little meat, lots of whole grains, fruits, and vegetables. I don't smoke or drink alcohol or even caffeinated beverages. I have always been relatively thin. I exercise four days a week for at least forty minutes. I have yearly exams by my OBGYN. My last exam was less than five months earlier. I have yearly mammograms, and do breast self-exams every few months if not every month. I have never broken a bone, surgery, or any serious illness. I have not had the flu or even a cold for ten or so years. If you...
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